How to configure the SSL Server

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Step 1 : Navigate Configuration > VPN > SSL-VPN Server > Add > enable the services Provide the descriptions

Step 2: mention the interface name for eg: VST1

Step 3: Select the protocol where the VPN access via UDP /TCP  and provide the port number For Eg  default port number 1194

Step 4: Provide the server IP and subnet mask and dynamic start IP and end IP
Note: it should be different from your local IP is given like or

Step 5: Select the Cipher Type default use: AES-128-CBC

Step 6: Select the Authentication algorithm Default: SHA1

Step 7: mention the MTU value Default value: 1500

Step 8: Select tunnel Type default value: split type ( it only send the VPN traffic to Firewall )  Full tunnel ( all traffic send it through to Firewall )

Step 9: enter all certificate details  like email, country, etc and organization name

Step 10: navigate Save > Restart Services

Step 11: Select the Create the Server  and Click the Router > Add Route

Step 12: Mention the Description and Destination IP (Network IP and subnet mask ) Note: this Lan IP address of the firewall  to access through VPN Client

Step 13: Select the Push this rout to the client

Step 14: Select the Create the Server  and Click the Clients > Add client

Step 15: Mention the Description and  IP Address type: Default and select DHCP Profile and tunnel Type make it as server Default

Step 16: Mention the Certificate details like location, email id  and Save

Step 17: Select the Create the Client and Click the Router > Add Route

Step 18: Mention the Description and Destination IP (Network IP and subnet mask ) Note: this Lan IP address of the Branch  firewall  to access through VPN Client

Step 19: Select the Route Type subnet behind Client and Select Add server routing table