How to Configure the Group Management
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1. Login to the Tacitine. (If you are configuring the Tacitine for the first time, the default Lan IP is and default username: admin & Password: admin99
2. Click the Configuration > Hotspot tab.
3. Click the Postpaid Accounts > Group Management > Add
4. Give the Group Id Eg: Ramnagar.
5. Give the Group Name For Identification.
6.Mention How many Sites and Users you allowed For that Group Eg: No Limit
7. Mention the Access Control For ADD User, Modify User, Delete User, Plan Change. Eg: Allow All
8. Enable the Credit Management top-up the Amount For that Group.
9.Mention the Revenue Sharing Percentage Eg: ISP-60 %, Franhisee-40%
10. Enable the Send Invoice Email to User for Sending invoices to User Mail.
11. Create the Site Id For Every New Group Under the Site Management. Eg: Franchaise1
12. Mention the Site Credit Management If you Need. Eg: Use Group Credit Management
13: Enable Bind users to interface.Eg: LAN-1. Bind Users are Going via LAN 1
14. Create the Login for Every New Group under Login Management.
15. Select Account Type Like Group Admin/Regular User/Read Only. Eg: Group Admin.
16. Enable the Group UI Login under the Group management For Https Access via Wan.
17. Once You Have Created Group Next You Select the Group Membership Under the Usage plans. Eg.Ramnagar.(In this Plan Was Show to the Ramnagar Group users Only)
18. While Creating User under the User Management Assign the Group Site id. Eg: Ramnagar-Franchaise1.